Thursday, September 18, 2008

Story Elaboration

Today the language book gave us a very short and boring story and Maid dictated some more details to me. We talked about how to ask questions and to give information that makes the story more interesting to people that are listening. (and that when Daddy asks her today how was school, she should remember elaboration and say something other than "good.")

Here's the original story:

Luke swam. Luke won.

Questions it suggested I ask her to include: How did he swim? When? How many other kids were in the race? What did he win? How did he feel?

Here's her elaboration:

Luke swam in a swimming pool on October 29 and he had one thousand kids with him swimming. He was very short, but he was the fastest of everybody! He won candy in a silver cup, and also a gold medal. He felt glad and happy and then he went home. The End.

Not too bad for a first attempt. Some of my sixth graders didn't get that many details on the first try. :)


Kate said...

Yes! My seniors need that for their college essays.

shoeaddict said...

Excellent writing!