Monday, September 8, 2008

Boomama interviewed Alex today, and the results were so fabulous that I had to immediately steal her questions and do some interviewing my own self. Here's what Maid Marian has to say:

What do you want to be when you grow up?
“I would like to be a doctor.”

Really? I had no idea. What kind of doctor do you want to be?
“A vet! For cats and dogs and small stuff. But only small dogs. I like small ones but not huge dogs.”

Okay. Well. Where do you want to go to college?
“Um, by my house.”

Where will you live after college?
“Um, home! I think so. Maybe? Where are you supposed to live after college? Don't say that I want to live home.”

Do you want to get married?
“Yes, I want to get married, whenever God wants me to.”

What’s your favorite place in the whole wide world?
“Um, home and the farm.”

Besides that?
“Um, I think that is Faraway City, going to see Daddy at his job."

What’s your favorite thing to do with your daddy?
“Have special dates- I like to do lots of things. I like to color and go to restaurants with him and give him lots and lots of hugs and kisses.”

What about with me?
“I think doing school and hugs and kisses and going shopping."

What are your favorite books?
My big princess book. And also my Bob books because I can learn different words and read by myself."

What are your favorite toys?
“My carriage and all my dolls."

What’s your favorite thing to do outside?
“Take walks."

What’s your favorite song?
“‘I've got two favorites, the one you sing to me every night and the one you sing to my brother."

(That would be Annabel by Don Henley with her name in place of Annabel, and Away From the Roll of the Sea, which is a gorgeous lullaby type thing I learned in high school choir.)

What are your favorite movies?
“The Princess Bride and Sleeping Beauty. And Ariel. Those are my most favorite.”

What is your favorite game?
“The one where you.... oh, bingo on the TV and also the one with the little guys. You know, the one on the tv where you watch and get Nemo... oh, never mind...."

(she means Disney Scene It, I think)

What do you know about God?
“I know that He is powerful than us. And He's way far away from us. I think. Yeah. And He loves us lots and He died to save our sins and... that's all. I think."

What do you think about kindergarten so far?
“I love it. My favorite thing of the day! The reading, and the math, and mostly all of it."

Anything else you want to say?
“Uh, can I say I love being together as a family? I love being a family. And I hope ... would it be okay if we invite friends over? And can you help me pour some milk now? I'm done talking." That's all I want to say. Thank you. This is Maid Marian."

Well. Fair enough, then.

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